Efficiently Manage Your Tasks


Instantly track the progress of every Deal with a single glance.

Reach out to your target customer groups the way they want to be reached. With the power of targeted SMS, emails, and voice SMS, broadcast marketing messages.

task management

engaging with customers

Focus on What Matters Most with Customizable Prioritization

In Getlead CRM You can prioritize your tasks based on their urgency and importance. You can also create custom priority levels to ensure that you focus on what matters most. This feature can help you maximize your productivity and achieve your goals.

task automation
team task

engaging with customers

Work Together More Efficiently with Our Team Collaboration Features

Getlead task management system allows you to collaborate with your team members seamlessly. You can share tasks, assign them to team members, and track their progress in real-time. You can also leave comments, attach files, and communicate with your team directly within the system.

engaging with customers

Track progress with automated task management

GetLeadCRM's task management system automatically adds completed tasks to your activities timeline, ensuring you have a complete record of your progress. This feature eliminates the need to manually track completed tasks, allowing you to focus on your work while maintaining an accurate record of your activities.

engaging customers

Gain full visibility &
control over all tasks

Reach out to your target customer groups the way they want to be reached. With the power of targeted
SMS, emails, and voice SMS, broadcast marketing messages to preset customer segments and increase engagement with the least effort.

automated notification

Automated notifications:

Getlead CRM empowers you to forecast future revenue with precision and assurance, leveraging the platform's robust forecasting features.

Improve productivity

Improved productivity

By utilizing Getlead CRM's powerful deal tracking and analysis tools, you can effortlessly pinpoint and tackle problematic deals before they disrupt your sales process.

Better time management

Better time management

Our customers are the lifeblood of our company, and we are dedicated to putting their needs first in everything we do.

Contact our team

Reach out to our experts for personalized assistance and discover how
Getlead CRM can revolutionize your business.


Unlock Business success with GetLead

Multiple configurable features that empower the sales teams for tomorrow